Saturday, January 31, 2015

My TV Hero

My husband, for all I grouse about his compulsive wandering with the remote, is my TV hero. Last night when the Tivo went on the blink, he sorted out the problem and got us up and running again.

What would I do without Tivo? HGTV shows would be excruciating without it—all those commercials coming between worst landscape on the block and first. The suspense between segments of Scandal would be intolerable. I would have to watch all my favorite network shows in—egads!—REAL TIME.

It started with a pixilated onscreen message about a problem with our Internet connection. Cable was working, Dave determined, and if he stood at a certain spot—precisely five feet north of the flat screen—we could actually see Brian Williams in high def telling us about more threatening weather on the east coast and the latest on Deflate-gate. One step right or left, and it was back to no picture.

Dave set about puttering with a flashlight. Blu-Ray was out, he said—oh no, our Netflix movies were threatened too! Strange buzzing sounds could be heard as he fiddled with connections. I don’t know what Dave did, or how he did it, I just knew that if I remained calm and sat quietly doing my crossword puzzle, a good result would ensue in time.

And sure enough, within fifteen minutes we were back to normal.

I’m not even going to complain about the tangle of cords now spilling from the bottom of our entertainment center. I’m just glad my TV hero prevailed once again.  

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